After two days competition  intense, this Thursday will reach the first medals in the Artistic Skating World Championships 2023 Ibagué – Tolima 2023, as fulfillment of the free dance program in the modality solo dance, after out  on Tuesday of the style dance, that will get the possibility to select athletes who will go the preseas this Thursday.

Regarding, of the initial competition on Tuesday, the style dance, the groups were selected, the outstanding in each category, will have the greatest option to perform the presentation of his life to “inspired love” to the judges and get their approval to reach the podium; will be 10 junior ladies, 5 junior men, 10 senior ladies and 10 senior men, who will dispute for medals.

In junior ladies, the first positions were by Mariana Pinheiro (Portugal), followed by Greta Pani and Linda Catalini, both from Italy. In the mens competence, it was the Colombian Jeshua Folleco who dominated the event, followed by the Portuguese Diogo Costa and the Spanish Ot Font.

Another competition of the senior, in ladies, the top is the Italian Roberta Sasso, seconded by the Spanish Natalia Baldizzone and the Paraguayan Érika Alarcón, regarding competition junior mens, the skater Llorenc Álvarez heads the partial list, of Spain, followed closely by the Colombian Brayan Carreño, to third partial record to Portuguese Pedro Walgode.

According to Schedule this thursday at 4:10 pm, the competition will start in junior ladies, at 5:30pm junior men; at 6:10pm senior ladies and finally at 7:30pm senior men.

Remaind you that admission to the Coliseo mayor is free.